† indicates co-first authors
* indicates corresponding authors
Stephanie F. Linnell†, Yong-Seok Choi†, Yingling Liao, Ioanna M. Pateli, Aaron B. Naden, John T. S. Irvine, Robert A. House, David O. Scanlon, and A. Robert Armstrong* : "Optimisation of a P3 phase with superior high voltage reversibility" Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 10.7), 13(7), 5017-5032
Jeong-Uk Nam, Bo-Hyeon Kim, Sung-Jin Hong, Gi-Hong Jeon, Jae-Won Park, Un Jeong Kim, Yong-Seok Choi*, Yun Sung Woo* : "Toward selecting optimal support layer for CVD-grown graphene transfer onto arbitrary substrate by surface energy engineering" Applied Surface Science (IF: 6.3), 689(30), 162528
J.I. Song, Y.S. Choi* : "Unveiling the potential of lithium fluoride phosphate (Li2MPO4F, M= Fe, V, Mn) for the next generation of lithium-ion batteries: A comparative study based on first principles and molecular dynamic simulations" Journal of Power Sources (IF: 8.1), 626, 235765.
Chae Eun Lee, Jun Seo, Yong-Seok Choi, Seong-Ho Baek, Yun Sung Woo, Hee Jung Park* : "Effect of TiO2 nanosheet addition on the electrical property of Poly(ethylene oxide) solid electrolyte" Ceramist, 27(4), 407-414
Y.H. Kim, J.Y. Moon, Y.I. Yoon, J.C. Lee * , Y.S. Choi * : "Solvent-Driven Na Storage in SnS2 Anodes: Atomistic Simulation Guided Strategies for Reversible Reactions, Solid Electrolyte Interphase, and Morphological Transformation" ACS Nano (IF: 15.8), 18(52), 35595-35605
Y.S. Choi†, J. Jeong†, Y. Lee, H. Ahn, D.O. Scanlon, K.Y. Chung, J.C. Lee * "Li‐ion transport mechanisms in Ge/Cl dual‐doped Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolytes: Synergistic insights from experimental structural characterization and machine‐learning‐assisted atomistic modeling". Carbon Energy (IF: 19.5), e594.
Y.H. Kim†, S.J. Sim†, Y.I. Yoon, Y.S. Choi, H.K. Kim, J.C. Lee * : "Ether vs. Carbonate solvents in Na–CuS Batteries: Impact on anode Morphology, SEI Formation, and desolvation dynamics" Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 13.3), 491, 151970.
J.H. An†, Y.H. Kim†, H.K. Woo, Y.S. Choi, S.J. Oh, J.C. Lee * : "Electrolyte solvents as architects: How solvents guide the spontaneous formation of 3D porous nanostructures in Alloy-and Conversion-type battery anodes" Energy Storage Materials (IF: 20.831), 70, 103478.
Y.S. Choi†, Y. Lee†, H. Ahn†, J. Jeong, K.Y. Chung, D.O. Scanlon, J.C. Lee * : "Exploring dopant‐enhanced ionic conductivity of AgCl‐doped Li7P3S11 solid electrolytes: Integrating synchrotron Rietveld analysis, DFT, and ANN‐based molecular dynamics approaches" Carbon Energy (IF: 19.5), e564.
Y.S. Choi†, H.M. Lee†, J.Y. Moon†, D.O. Scanlon, J.C. Lee * "Achieving high capacity retention for SnS2 anodes via the solvent-driven reversible conversion-alloying reactions". Energy Storage Materials (IF: 20.831), 61, 102867.
Y.S. Choi, S.I.R. Costa, N. Tapia-Ruiz, D.O. Scanlon * : “Intrinsic defects and their role in the phasetransition of Na-ion anode Na2Ti3O7” ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (IF: 6.024) 2023, 6, 1, 484–495
Y.H. Kim, J.H. An, S.Y. Kim, X. Li, E.J. Song, J.H. Park, K.Y. Chung, Y.S. Choi, D.O. Scanlon, H.J. Ahn *, J.C. Lee * : “Enabling 100C Fast-Charging Bulk Bi Anodes for Na-Ion Batteries”, Advanced Materials (IF: 30.849), 2201446
S.F. Linnell, E.J. Kim, Y.S. Choi, M. Hirsbrunner, S. Imada, A. Pramanik, A.F. Cuesta, D. Miller, E. Fusco, B.E. Bode, J.T.S. Irvine, L.C. Duda, D.O. Scanlon, A.R. Armstrong * : “Enhanced Oxygen Redox Reversibility and Capacity Retention of Titanium Substituted Na4/7[□1/7Ti1/7Mn5/7]O2 in Sodium-Ion Batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 12.732), 10(18), 9941-9953
C. Soares†, B. Silvan†, Y.S. Choi†, V. Celorrio, G. Cibin, D.O. Scanlon and N. Tapia-Ruiz * : “Na2.4Al0.4Mn2.6O7 anionic redox cathode material for sodium ion batteries- a combined experimental and theoretical approach to elucidate its charge storage mechanism”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 12.732), 10(13), 7341-7356
J.H. Park†, Y.S. Choi†, C.H. Kim, Y.W. Byeon, Y.M. Kim, B.J. Lee, J.P. Ahn, H.J. Ahn,* and J.C. Lee * : “Self-Assembly of Pulverized Nanoparticles: An Approach to Realize Large-Capacity, Long-Lasting, and Ultra-Fast-Chargeable Na-Ion Batteries”, Nano Letters (IF: 11.189), 21, 9044−9051
N. Tapia-Ruiz *, A.R. Armstrong, H. Alptekin, M.A. Amores, H. Au, R. Boston, W.R Brant, J.M. Brittain, Y. Chen, M. Chhowalla, Y.S. Choi, S.A. Corr, S.I.R. Costa, M. Crespo Ribadeneyra, E.J. Cussen, W.I.F. David, A.V. Desai, S.A.M. Dickson, E.I. Eweka, J.D. Forero-Saboya, C.P. Grey, J.M. Griffin, P. Gross, X. Hua, J.T.S. Irvine, P. Johansson, M.O. Jones, M. Karlsmo, E. Kendrink, E. Kim, O.V. Kolosov, Z. Li, S.F.L. Mertens, R. Mogensen, L. Monconduit, R.E. Morris, A.J. Naylor, S. Nikman, C.A. O’Keefe, D.M.C. Ould, R.G. Palgrave, P. Poizot, A. Ponrouch, S. Renault, E.M. Reynolds, A. Rudola, R. Sayers, D.O. Scanlon, S. Sen, V.R. Seymore, B. Silvan, M.T. Sougrati, L. Stievano, G.S. Stone, C.I. Thomas, M.M. Titirici, J. Tong, T.T. Wood, D.S. Wright, R. Younesi : “2021 roadmap for sodium-ion batteries”, Journal of Physics: Energy (IF: 5.967), 3, 031503
Y.S. Choi, D.O. Scanlon, J.C. Lee * : “Extending the performance limit of anodes: insights from diffusion kinetics of alloying anodes”, Advanced Energy Materials (IF: 29.368), 11(27), 2003078
S.I.R. Costa, Y.S. Choi, A.J. Fielding, A.J. Naylor, J.M. Griffin, C. Soares, Z. Sofer, D.O. Scanlon, N. Tapia-Ruiz * : “Surface engineering strategy using urea to improve the rate performance of Na2Ti3O7 in Na-ion batteries”, Chemistry – A European Journal (IF: 5.236), 11(27), 3875-3886
Y.S. Choi, J.C. Lee * : “Continuous/reversible phase transition behaviors and their effect on the hysteresis energy loss of the anodes in Na-ion batteries”, Electrochimica Acta (IF: 6.901), 328, 135106
Y.S. Choi, J.C. Lee * : “Characterizing multiple continuous phase transitions at an alloying anode with voltammetric measurement and first-principles calculations”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 12.732), 7(40), 23121-23129
J.H. Park†, Y.S. Choi†, Y.W. Byeon, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : “Diffusion kinetics governing the diffusivity and diffusion anisotropy of alloying anodes in Na-ion batteries”, Nano Energy (IF: 17.881) 65, 104041
J.H. Park†, Y.S. Choi†, H.C. Shim, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : “Direct-contact micro-electrical measurement of the electrical resistivity of a solid electrolyte interface”, Nano letters (IF: 11.189) 19(6), 3692–3698
Y.S. Choi†, J.H. Park†, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : “Anisotropic Swelling Governed by Orientation-Dependent Interfacial Na Diffusion in Single-Crystalline Sb”, Chemistry of Materials (IF: 9.811), 31(5): 1696–1703
Y.S. Choi, J.C. Lee * : “Electronic and mechanistic origins of the superionic conductivity of sulfide-based solid electrolytes”, Journal of Power Sources (IF: 9.127), 415(1):189-196
J.H. Park, Y.S. Choi, H.C. Shim, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : “Direct Measurement of Electric Resistivity of Solid Electrolyte Interface Using 4-Point-Probe Technique”, Korean Journal of Metals and Materials (IF: 1.005), 57.1: 67-70
Y.W. Byeon†, Y.C. Choi†, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : “Isotropic Sodiation Behaviors of Ultrafast-Chargeable Tin Crystals”, ACS applied materials & interfaces (IF: 9.229), 10.48: 41389-41397
Y.S. Choi, J.C. Lee * : “Phase transition behaviors and formation of electrically resistive phases at the anode: Major factors determining the energy efficiency of Li-ion batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 12.732), 6.24: 11531-11541
Y.S. Choi, Y.W. Byeon, J.P. Ahn, J.C. Lee * : "Evaluation of energy loss at Sn anodes based on phase transition behaviors and formation of electrically resistive phases of Na–Sn batteries", Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 12.732), 6.20: 9428-9436
Y. S. Choi†, Y. W. Byeon†, J. H. Park, J. H. Seo, J. P. Ahn, J. C. Lee * : “Ultrafast Sodiation of Single-Crystalline Sn Anodes”, ACS applied materials & interfaces (IF: 9.229), 10(1): 560-568
Y. S. Choi†, J. H. Park†, J. P. Ahn, J. C. Lee * : “Interfacial Reactions in the Li/Si diffusion couples: Origin of Anisotropic Lithiation of Crystalline Si in Li–Si batteries”, Scientific reports (IF: 4.379), 7(1): 14028
Y. W. Byeon†, Y. S. Choi†, J. P. Ahn, J. C. Lee * : “Origin of high Coulombic loss during sodiation in Na-Sn battery”, Journal of Power Sources (IF: 9.127), 343:513-519
Y.S. Choi†, Y. W. Byeon†, J. P. Ahn, J. C. Lee * : “Formation of Zintl ions and their configurational change during sodiation in Na–Sn battery”, Nano letters (IF: 11.189), 17(2): 679-686.
Y. W. Byeon, Y. S. Choi, J. H. Seo, K. H. Hur, J. P. Ahn, J. C. Lee * : “A simple method of analyzing the phase transition behavior of a Na-Sn battery using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy”, Korean Journal of Metals and Materials (IF: 1.005), 53(12): 926-930.